Sunday, January 25, 2009

Week 3: WIPs

Three weeks into my resolve, that is.

Not a terribly successful week. I fully intended to finish my to-do list this weekend, but Saturday got eaten with errands. Today, an unexpected and delightful visit from the BFF and her family.

When they left, we opted to indulge in a little Gregoire for dinner. Gregoire. Just thinking about Gregoire makes my heart weep at the thought of ever leaving the Bay Area. G came out of Alice Waters' California Cuisine movement.... he runs an unbelievable little restaurant a few doors down from the famous Chez Panisse in Berkeley's gourmet ghetto. It's just a tiny little place offering a monthly menu of the most weak in the knees takeout... We had the cheese risotto cake with creamy spinach, a romaine salad and split pea soup. Naturally we also had the famous potato puffs, because anyone who claims they can enter Gregoire without having the potato puffs is a liar.

We took it home to enjoy with a nice champagne.

Anyway that pretty much took care of Sunday... and I didn't get the work done I had hoped to.


I finished one WIP: Longies for Jackson in Western Sky Knits' Rivendell Colorway on Bulky BFL. I actually knitted most of these when poor little J was sick before Christmas. But they came out waaaay big on him (stupid lazy kim didn't do a gauge swatch and I didn't realize just how bulky the bulky BFL was. These are giant and will probably be roomy next winter. So anyway... I didnt finish them at the time. They just needed some cuffs and a drawstring, so it went fast.

Pictures tomorrow.

The Cole longies that were on the schedule got nixed. I started on them, then just had to accept that they were going to be too small and own my defeat. These were my first attempt at a linen stitch and holy cow it kicked my butt. Talk about slow knitting. I started them back in September, frogged them at least six times and struggled with the crotch gusset until my brain exploded.

I can program up a regression adjusted conditional difference-in-difference local linear propensity matching model but I'll never wrap my brain around a gusseted linen stitch.

Anyway... it felt very freeing to abandon this project, rip it out, re skein the yarn and just be done with it.

Instead, I bumped the My So Called Scarf Project up and tried to finish it. It isnt quite done, I need another night I think.


Dissertation wise... not a lot accomplished this week. I got a few rounds of editing done on the first two sections, read them aloud to J while he played with Thomas the Tank Engine, and successfully transferred all my files to the new computer. But I did not finish what I thought I would. Hopefully tomorrow - Im so exhausted.


  1. Progress is progress, though, so don't beat yourself up too much.

    God, I miss the Bay area. I used to get out there a few times a year but I haven't been there in a few years.

  2. you lost me at "regression adjusted." i can't even finish a scarf, so don't feel bad.
